Breif discusion on Server-side Development-Part02
Hello friends welcome back to my blog. This is 2nd part of the server side development. If you don't read my previous blog you can click here . In this blog I'm going to talk about Resource oriented communication; REST. First let's find the difference between Message oriented communication and resource oriented communication. Message oriented communication VS Resource oriented communication REST-Representational State Transfer REST is an architectural structure style for the service of web. WWW including servers, proxies, switches, routers etc were improved based on REST. REST is use not only for the the services, also used for distributed systems and it cover everything. REST is resource-based . It is focus on Things(based on nouns ) more than Actions(based on verbs). There can be actions related to items. But its main focus on things. There for REST focus on Resources. These resources are identified by URIs. REST is focuses on Represen...